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Client Testimonals

springer spaniel
springer spaniel with grouse

Todd and Christina are among the best in the field of spaniel training. It's all about dogs, period. It is a pleasure to own the two dogs Todd and Christina started for me. Upon receiving them, both dogs were approximately 18 months of age, and they had varying levels of training. Essentially, this speaks to an approach to training that focuses on letting the dog develop at its own pace. 


When I flew down to see the first dog, Dexter, I was really impressed and obviously moved forward with the process. Christina and Todd have kept in touch to make sure Dexter is doing well. That was five years ago. Todd has always offered advice whenever I run into training or behavior problems. 


Please keep in mind that these issues were more about me than the dog, but I digress.  When it was time for Dexter to have a brace mate, I called Todd and asked, “what do you have? ” Since I knew Todd would give me an honest assessment, I did not have to fly down to his facility. It has been four weeks since our second dog, Noodles, became a member of our family. So far, he has fitted in well with our family. We are delighted to welcome another Craney Hill dog into the family. There is no one else I would consider for a dog.  


These are the fifth and sixth springers in our family. I believe that Craney Hill dogs differ significantly from my other springers in two important respects. The first thing you should know is that Todd and Christina's dogs possess a vast amount of genetic potential. 

Secondly, Todd's training/development style produces well-socialized and confident bird finders.


This year, I was privileged to attend the training seminar while picking up Noodles, and it was truly eye-opening. In addition to all the subtle interactions I could improve, Christina and Todd's champion dogs have shown me what is possible. 


As a result, I came away truly motivated and inspired to improve my training technique. If you are looking for a spaniel and are serious about training and hunting or trialing, you should purchase a dog from Todd and Christina and invest in their puppy program.


Kind Regards, Tim

There is no doubt that Todd and Christina of Craney Hill Kennel are the best of the best. They bring unparalleled knowledge, expertise, wisdom, and care to the development of spaniels. As a result of their expertise and guidance, we are constantly learning and growing with our dogs.


It has been five years since we purchased our first cocker spaniel puppy!!


We were new to everything, and we needed the same kind of training as our puppy. To begin with, Todd taught us the basics of dog training, and as our knowledge of the subject grew, so did our dog's. As a result, we began competing in field trials with our dog as well as discovering a passion for hunting with our dog.

As members of the Craney Hill family, we are still learning as we progress along this journey. The development of a spaniel involves balancing the needs of our dogs and their training with our personal lives and enjoyment of them. Todd and Christina strive to achieve the results they do in our pups out of a commitment, there are no shortcuts to success.  It is Todd's philosophy to put the interests of the dog first in all that he does. We learn how to maintain our dogs' training at home, become responsible hunters and handlers, and develop as competitors in field trials as owners of dogs in the Craney Hill program.  We formed a partnership out of our mutual love for spaniels. 


The opportunity to be a part of this special program is extremely rewarding for us.  No matter what type of dog you are seeking, Craney Hill Kennel is able to meet your needs, whether it is a first-rate hunting dog, an upcoming field champion, or a well-rounded spaniel. 


There is more to platinum than just platinum... Craney Hill Platinum is the real deal!


BTW, we now own two cockers and one springer!! Our family of dogs seems to be growing!!


Our sincere appreciation extends out to Todd and Christina.

Cheryl & Anthony - The Humans, Gunner - The Original Cocker, Kaya - The Second White Devil Cocker, & Chance - The Only Springer  

1. My problem was I needed a trainer for my 6 month old Springer Spaniel puppy that would give me the result that I was looking for. This included obedience training, E-Collar conditioning and introduce the puppy properly to birds and guns.


2. My frustration was to find the right man for the job that had all the pieces to the puzzle covered. A trainer that was honest and truly could produce the quality that I was looking for. 


3. The different better Todd Agnew Services is that he is doing all the work and care for your dog. When he is done doing what you ask for, he keeps you informed and teaches you how to go forward with what your dog was trained to do. This is very important key.


4. When I went to see my dog work, it was plain to see she was happy and trained well to do her job. She showed confidence because of the way she was trained. I agree with Todd’s theory that more pressure is seldom the answer.


5. It is such a pleasure for me and anyone hunting with me to have a professionally trained dog. It makes for a “quality “ hunt.


You just got to like how Todd develops a pup into a finished Spaniel. 




When my new Boykin Spaniel pup (Pigeon) came along, I wanted to focus her training primarily on upland hunting which I have discovered somewhat later in life. A friend referred me to Todd Agnew at Craney Hill, and the pup and I drove to Mitchell, Georgia planning to begin training immediately. What actually transpired was nothing like I anticipated. Through Todd’s direction, I began to learn that many of my notions of training run contrary to what I hoped to achieve, especially regarding pressure and how the dog perceives it.Through his thoughtful process of training me to train Pigeon,we have methodically laid a foundation that frequently surprises me with how it builds successive steps and skills one upon the other while preserving the enthusiasm and style that make hunting with a flushing dog so much fun. He works us through the inevitable bumps in the road, and continues to raise my standards through better understanding of both training and handling.


At the end of the day it is always obvious that his first priority is the dog, and that he truly wants me to be successful with my dog. We are now having a fun and successful first season. If Todd could only improve my shooting, Pigeon would be a happier dog.


Carl Bundy, NC

If you want to train a Spaniel from A-Z then Craney Hill is the place for you. Starting with a puppy fresh from the litter on through the endless stages of maturity, Todd and Christina will show the way. In the case of my busy dog life, there is much communication with Georgia (a 15 hour drive): questions, listening, pushing and working on solutions to changing issues. They are also my cheerleading squad on trial days! Training my own dogs has completely changed the relentless training routine at home.


The end results, be it shooting grouse or running trials, have gotten better and better. The experience has been nothing short of remarkable. 


Betsey Battistoni, Millbrook, NY 

I was fortunate enough to connect with Todd when my young english springer spaniel pup Lincoln was just 5 months old. My stated goal was to have a “good hunting dog”. To me, that meant a dog that knew how to find and retrieve birds and listened to commands well enough to avoid being a difficult hunting partner.


What we have accomplished since then and the amount of information I have learned thru untold hours of training and conversation with Todd goes way beyond anything I could have imagined. The level of personal commitment he has made to the development of both me and my dog has been astounding.


If you want to truly understand the foundation of your dog’s training, use that information to build a strong bond with your dog, and then apply all of those things to become a better handler, whether for hunting or field trials (or both), then Todd’s program is for you.


Scott McKillip, GA


It is  amazing what a difference three days made in my relationship with my english springer spaniel. Todd Agnew is a no nonsense insightful trainer of both dogs and handlers. For someone serious about hunting or field trials, or just a dog who makes the hunting experience a pleasure, there is no one better.


An added plus, is Christina Power-Agnew's professional photography documenting the seminar experience. The training, camaraderie and new friends made are priceless. 


Joan & Minnie

Todd has developed a comprehensive philosophy for spaniel training into which each stage of his program fits perfectly. And I found it remarkable that Todd could cover each stage of training and development in a three day clinic.


Personally, I learned that I need to slow down during my own training sessions and in the progression of my training so that I can focus more on developing the right type of relationship with my dog. Within the first week or two after applying some of what I learned at the clinic, I started to see great results.


Patrick & Keller


To anyone considering Todd Agnew and Craney Hill Kennel as a place to buy or train a Spaniel, I give my resounding endorsement. Todd will make your priorities his priority and return to you a more skilled and disciplined hunter.


Art Fields, Charlotte, NC


I could not be happier with my purchase of my english springer spaniel Riley from Craney Hill Kennel.  It is easy to see the value a top trainer creates.  As a finished dog, Riley has demonstrated exceptional drive and extraordinary competence in the field. He is indeed a pro. Moreover, Todd’s efforts in my training and Riley’s transition have made the process a pleasure.


Todd and Christina you have my strongest endorsement.


Earl,  Mansfield, GA

Todd’s methods for spaniel training get results. My English Cocker Spaniel, Kermit, has spent time with Todd to get some key parts of his training completed. The rest of his training was done (and is still being done) by me. Todd, has been “with me” every step of the way, offering advice and suggesting things to work on at home. The result so far is a very good hunting dog, a Master Level hunt test achiever, and a contender in cocker spaniel field trials. Hopefully, we will soon get some placements and qualify for the National Championship. I believe that we will. On top of all that, Kermit is an excellent family dog and sleeps on the bed every night. Could not be happier with Todd and Christina for the training and support we have received.


Alan Barnes

I want to emphasize this fantastic experience can be far better described as a grouse “training” camp than solely a grouse camp. While still delivering on all the fine attributes of the latter, such as beautiful grouse habitat and often mischievous camaraderie, there was a focus on training. The value of a solid day of hunting wild birds with Indie while Todd observed was extraordinary. Todd gave me great insight on how to work her as a gun dog versus a hunt test participant. Often the changes he suggested were more about my actions than hers – not unexpected given she was trained by Todd and I was not!


In the end Indie and I had a great time and came away with training goals for next year. We also made a few new friends that we hope to hunt with soon. If you’re lucky enough to get a spot next year – take it.


Richard Lindsay - Boston

Dear Christina and Todd,


Summer is officially here, and we're having a blast. As you suggested, we've been taking it slowly, enjoying every minute. Missy is, far and away, the best dog I've ever owned, can't believe it took me so long to buy her. She can play for long periods--retrieve and give like nobody's business, goes right into the water without hesitation-and settles down when it's time.


Last night my daughter and her dog arrived for a week's long visit. Typically cautious for a bit, Missy was soon chasing around having canine fun with everyone. We're heading out in a bit for our morning adventure. I enclose the registration for the seminar in January. I'd like to bring Missy along if there's room.


Your friend and biggest fan,



Best decision I ever made was to commit to owning Missy. She is perfect!

Pat's Story

Spaniel training, or its development, as Todd would say, requires knowledge, time, and patience. This, along with the teaching component by Todd, translates into the Craney Hill Method.

Todd offers his expertise and knowledge based on his unique experiences. In turn, you get the perfect recipe for success in the hunting field, field trial or hunt test.

As they say, seeing is believing, and I believe in the Craney Hill Method! Todd and Christina are two very special people who have touched my life and opened my eyes to new and exciting possibilities.

As a bonus, I find their online "Training Forum" an invaluable tool. The videos and narratives of Todd working with his dogs at various stages of the training process are priceless. I can refer to what my pups are working on or what we can expect.


My sincere gratitude,

Pat Ford

Jeff's Story

Not sure where to start when discussing Craney Hill and the program Todd and Christina have put together. I sent my ESS, Gabby, to them in January of 2019 for basic obedience and evaluation. My main concern was her initial training when I brought Gabby home at 9 months old. She was only collar conditioned and when it wasn’t on, she did not listen and would disappear for long periods of time. Luckily, I found Craney Hill while looking for a trainer close to Florida. Needless to say, they did an outstanding job and Gabby is the best house dog and hunting dog we could ever ask for. When I ask my nieces and nephews what they want for Christmas, they simply say Gabby. Without Craney Hill this would not be the case, and I am so happy to have ever met them. 


When we decided to get another dog, I immediately reached out to Todd and Christina to find out if they had any available puppies. A few months later, we were able to get Dessa, a Craney Hill pup, and we are over the moon with her. She is currently in training at Craney Hill is doing extremely well. I am new to the trial experience and with their teaching, and I was able to place first and second at different trials in the puppy division. If only Craney Hill had a class for handlers I may have been able to place her in the amateurs 😊 Because I respect and understand the time they spend with their dogs, and how this is reflected in the dog’s attitude, we decided to get our third ESS, Frasier, from Craney Hill. When you see Todd during the training events and the seminars, you will understand how special both he and Christina are and what they do for their Spaniels and clients.


Originally, when I simply asked Craney Hill to train Gabby, I didn’t realize how much I would be absorbed into the Springer world. It doesn’t matter the type of Spaniel, Craney Hill trains them and to the highest standard. Don’t let me forget the people I have met through Craney Hill as well. Everyone is accepted and I have met some of the nicest people in the world, simply by going to a seminar, training day, or trial. Recently I went to Maine with about a dozen other clients to run our dogs in puppy and amateur trials. We worked the trial, ran our spaniels, and helped each other out. At night we went to dinner as if we were old friends, laughed, and watched Todd eat every sweet he could get his hands on. Without Craney Hill I would not have met some of the best people I may ever meet in my life. 


Craney Hill isn’t just a place to take your Spaniel for training. If you spend the time to get to know Todd and Christina and the other clients of Craney Hill, you will benefit from it. I’m so glad I found Craney Hill on an Internet search of how to train a Spaniel. Without clicking that simple link, I may have missed out on some of the best experiences, friendships, and knowledge of Spaniels . If you have the opportunity, even if you do not have a Spaniel, please come to a seminar or training event. I am so glad I did and became a part of the Craney Hill family. I constantly look forward to going to GA for the training, information, and friendship. January is right around the corner so sign up for the seminar, but don’t forget to bring donuts, cookies, or macaroni and cheese. Todd will appreciate it!



Andrew's Story

Owning a dog means you're a dog trainer. Like me, you may find this a daunting realization. A wonderful thing about Todd Agnew of Craney Hill Kennel is that he is an expert at explaining how dogs communicate. By using his method, even a novice can understand how to communicate with, and train, their own dog at a very high level. Communication is mostly nonverbal, so it must be observed to be understood. Craney Hill Forum is a series of narrated videos that demonstrate and explain nonverbal communication. I'm pleased with my dog. My efforts paid off. I'm enjoying the benefits. The Craney Hill Forum and Todd Agnew were instrumental to my success.



We were introduced and connected with Todd and Christina through a mutual friend who had brought their spaniel to them for training. We were head over heels for our friend’s spaniel and knew that we wanted to have one on our own. River has been the perfect addition and we couldn’t love him more. Being able to see the process he has made in training from the first time he came home with us at the end of 2020, to now having him home for the summer of 2022 with us is incredible. They are extremely phenomenal and knowledgeable at what they do, but they not only look to serve the dogs, but teach and pour into you along the way. Todd can break down everything you need to know so you are able to best serve your dog, while also learning yourself. To them, this is much more than just dog training. They invest in every single person they encounter and have made a forever impact on our lives. They have poured into us, challenged us, and opened a new door to find new interests and passions that we would have never learned or become a part of without them. They create a family within their clients, and we are forever grateful that we get to experience this with them. We are so thankful for their investment not only in River’s life, but our lives as well. They do everything with such professionalism and intention that nothing is done without thought and you can so tangibly see that. We not only gained an incredible dog when we connected with them, but what feels like a second family. We are ever so grateful for Craney Hill! 


With Love, 

Tanner and Reagan 

Craney Hill Kennel is hands down the most outstanding, not only in terms of training dogs but also in terms of teaching owners such as myself. Todd is knowledgeable and helpful, and he's patient, too. During our discussions, he helps me define my expectations so that we are able to set attainable goals. There's no question that my pup from Craney Hill has an excellent temperament, and he's highly trainable. Whether he's at home, in the field, or on the road, he's awesome. Craney Hill Kennels has changed my life in a profound way because Todd's program develops us as a team. 


Marie & Hawk

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