Congratulations to River on his 2nd place puppy stake at the Northeast Wisconsin Spaniel Field Trial. This was his first puppy stake! He did a great job!!
Congratulations to Dibbs on his open 3rd place at the Northeast Wisconsin Spaniel Field Trial.
Both dogs handled by Todd

Congratulations to Dessa on her 4th place puppy stake at the Southern Michigan Spaniel Field Trial. This was her first time running in the puppy stake. Awesome job Dessa!!

Congratulations to Bonnie on her open 4th place at the Southern Michigan Spaniel Field Trial. This is Bonnie's first ribbon for the open stake. It was great that Louise was there so she could go up to get the ribbon.... Happy Mom! Good job Bonnie!!
Both dogs handled by Todd
Another Dudley Pup Placement!
Congratulations to Finn on his Open 2nd place at the Northern Colorado Spaniel Field Trial.
Finn is a Dudley x Ruby pup owned by Pat Bramwell and handled by Lynn Miller.
So happy for all!!

Tridon's Infinity

We can help you achieve your goals with your spaniel;
whether it be obedience, pheasant shoots, the dove field,
upland fields, grouse woods or competition.
"We all have expectations to different degrees. Our spaniel field trial and hunt test expectations at Craney Hill Kennel are extremely high for our dogs. The theory is that if we set our standard to an almost unattainable level, when we fall short our dogs will still be very talented animals. I cannot express to you how difficult it is to keep a high standard. This is not because we are kennel blind…quite the opposite. It is hard to keep such a high standard because the standard of the public is so low that it becomes difficult to continually explain why you can or cannot do something."
Todd Agnew