Chance wins the Open at the MidEast Memorial Field Trial in Ohio
Chance is now an FC (Field Champion)
Congratulations to his owner Cheryl!!

Lucy gets second place in the Open at the MidEast Memorial Field Trial in Ohio!
Congratulations to her owners Bob & Cathy
Thank you to the land owners Mr. & Mrs. Beelman for letting all of us invade your place for the day, and the lunches were wonderful as always.
Thank you to our judges Dan Lussen & John Dunn
Developing Spaniels Is Our Passion
We can help you achieve your goals with your spaniel;
whether it be obedience training, retrieving for pheasant shoots, or the dove field,
questing for game in the upland fields, grouse woods or field trial competition.
Our kennel has been blessed with great dogs that have been successful
in the field not only for us but for our clients as well.
2017 National Open High Point with Dudley - Handled by Todd
2018 National Open Championship Winner with Riot & Dudley gets a CM -
Handled by Todd
2019 Betsey Wins with Riot at the Canadian Amateur National Championship
2020 National Amateur Championship Scott and Dibbs get a CM
2021 Andre wins the Canadian Amateur National with Judy & gets a CM with Minnie
2022 National Open High Point with DJ - Handled by Todd
