We are now taking reservations for all Spaniels for our next Spaniel Gun Dog Training Camp!
This spaniel Gun Dog Training Camp starts Dec 1st, dogs must be dropped off by that date. This camp is a 4 month commitment for your spaniel. You must sign up by Nov 1st. This list fills up quickly so please contact Christina.
Please email Christina at christina.craneyhill@gmail.com for further details.

Set A Strong Foundation For Your Spaniel!

T - Teach The Task
R - Reward The Behavior
I - Increase The Expectation
P - Polish The Behavior Through Repetition
To anyone considering Todd Agnew and Craney Hill Kennel as a place to buy or train a Spaniel, I give my resounding endorsement. Todd will make your priorities his priority and return to you a more skilled and disciplined hunter.
Art, Charlotte, NC
Spaniel training, or its development, as Todd would say, requires knowledge, time, and patience. This, along with the teaching component by Todd, translates into the Craney Hill Method.
Todd offers his expertise and knowledge based on his unique experiences. In turn, you get the perfect recipe for success in the hunting field, field trial or hunt test.
As they say, seeing is believing, and I believe in the Craney Hill Method! Todd and Christina are two very special people who have touched my life and opened my eyes to new and exciting possibilities.
As a bonus, I find their online "Training Forum" an invaluable tool. The videos and narratives of Todd working with his dogs at various stages of the training process are priceless. I can refer to what my pups are working on or what we can expect.
My sincere gratitude,
Pat Ford
Craney Hill Kennel is hands down the most outstanding, not only in terms of training dogs but also in terms of teaching owners such as myself. Todd is knowledgeable and helpful, and he's patient, too. During our discussions, he helps me define my expectations so that we are able to set attainable goals. There's no question that my pup from Craney Hill has an excellent temperament, and he's highly trainable. Whether he's at home, in the field, or on the road, he's awesome. Craney Hill Kennels has changed my life in a profound way because Todd's program develops us as a team.
Marie & Hawk