Gun Dog Podcast's
According to Garden & Gun magazine, he's one of the top five dog trainers in the South. His track record as a field trialer and hunter, proves it. Todd Agnew of Craney Hill Kennels takes us to spaniel school in this episode. Pointer fans take note: his views on dogs cross the divide, so get ready to learn as well.
From teaching range for flushing dogs, to what motivates a hunting dog, Todd's point of view is a little different than many other trainers. He's big on creating the right relationship between a dog and its handler ... and how dynamic that relationship can be. He'll outline some new ways to look at everything from retrieving to when the dog takes charge in the field. And what the heck is "spaniel action?"
Go Flush Yourself is an upland hunting podcast focusing on hunting with flushing dogs. On top of hunting, training, and living with flushers, we also discuss shotguns, upland hunting in general, and gear. If you want to hear more about labradors, cockers, goldens, springers, and the rest of the flushing breeds check us out! We are also an ad-free podcast and are supported purely by our listeners.
Go Flush Yourself is an upland hunting podcast focusing on hunting with flushing dogs. On top of hunting, training, and living with flushers, we also discuss shotguns, upland hunting in general, and gear. If you want to hear more about labradors, cockers, goldens, springers, and the rest of the flushing breeds check us out! We are also an ad-free podcast and are supported purely by our listeners.
Welcome to Bird Camp. Joe Schwenke has been the host of BirdCamp for 3 years and has been heading to birdcamp in the U.P. every October for 12 years. A self described lover of the shotgun, Joe pursues wingshooting in an attempt to achieve the perfect shot. Along the way the beauty of the marshes and uplands makes the journey worth more than the destination.
The Upland Rookie Podcast Presents:
On this first & second episode with Todd Agnew from Spaniel Training we talk Spaniels (cockers and springers) and a lot of development, training and field trials.
It's been a few years since Todd was on the show. I always learn a few new tricks when I talk with him. We talk about everything from when to start training, to when to stop, (the answer is never!) Molding a pup early is a key factor. The proof comes in the hunting season.
Ron @ The Hunting Dog Podcast
Listen to the latest podcast with Todd and Scott Linden from Upland Nation. Click here to listen…. Sit back and enjoy!
Listen to the latest podcast with Todd on The Gun Dog Notebook. Click here to listen…. Sit back and enjoy!
Craney Hill Kennel is featured on The latest pod cast from Sporting Dog Talk – Episode 24: Todd Agnew- Training Trainers To Handle Spaniels – Click Here to Listen
“Owner of Craney Hill Kennel, Todd Agnew, is a well-established professional trainer who has worked with bird dogs of all breeds, but he specializes in both field bred English cocker spaniels and springer spaniels. Agnew has developed a proven training strategy that not only produces top-notch dogs, but takes into account how individual handlers should work with their dogs.”
Todd Agnew returns to The Hunting Dog Podcast Show!
Today we talk everything Spaniels! Springers, Cockers and more! A bit about field trials, hunting, spaniel training and why these little powerhouses can make you smile, and why some make you cry. Just like all things in the dog world. Todd brings real common sense to training dogs.